
Academic Benefits of Summer Dance

Located in Patchogue, New York on Long Island since the mid ’70’s, Stage Door School of Dance has specialized in creating a nurturing and supportive environment for children to express their creativity through dance for nearly 48 years.

As parents prepare their children for summer vacation, we wanted to take a moment to share some of the benefits around including dance in the mix of your summer plans! Investing in a quality summer dance program can provide incredible opportunities for learning that extend far beyond the physical realm. Not only do children stay active during the summer months in dance—which is essential for both mental and physical health—but they can also boost their academic achievement through regular attendance of dance classes.

Recent studies have shown strong correlations between time spent dancing and increased performance in other areas such as reading comprehension, concentration, math skills, and test scores. The American Academy of Pediatrics concluded that “dance training helps develop memory skills and spatial awareness which improves learning accuracy for a range of tasks including reading comprehension tests.” They also reported improved muscle strength coordination as well as enhanced motivation and self-esteem resulting from participation in various forms of dance instruction.

It’s no secret that taking a regular break from schoolwork helps improve focus when returning to academics after the summer break. Which is why fun is ALWAYS incorporated into our classes. With its combination of physical movement and creative expression, dance offers an ideal form of respite while still providing positive reinforcement towards academic performance levels. At Stage Door School of Dance, we value this concept fully – it’s why our curriculum is designed to cultivate physical growth while developing each student’s artistic talents at the same time. Our instructors are passionate about helping students grow their knowledge base through a variety of means such as tapping into creativity with choreography or analyzing song lyrics through storytelling exercises.

Finally, let’s not forget about the social aspect! When children join a group class setting like ours at Stage Door School Of Dance, they have the opportunity to build positive relationships with like-minded peers who share similar interests from different schools districts, and backgrounds —all while having fun! The sense of community cultivated here is something students will carry with them throughout their lives well beyond the classroom setting – it’s invaluable, and honestly, one of the key student take-aways we are most proud of here at Stage Door.

We invite you now to join us for Stage Door School Of Dance’s Summer 2023 dance season, where your child will be able engage  in full-on educational healthiness benefiting both their cognitive development as well as physical activity levels. Let them move freely while staying healthy in body, spirt, AND mind this summer – all while having fun!

Learn more about our classes currently enrolling, our Summer 2023 classes, our free trials and more by visiting stagedoordancer.com, today.

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