SDSD Crew Competition Solo Sign Up

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Are you a graduating SDSD Crew senior interested in having a solo number choreographed for competitions?

Here's what you need to know:
  • Dancer(s) must be registered for the same genre of the desired Solo. For instance, if you have requested to do a modern solo, you must be registered for modern for dance season (no exceptions).
  • 7.5 rehearsal hours required for a SDSD Crew Solo (30 mins used for dress rehearsal).
  • Choreographer requests MUST be received by 10/24.
  • Dancer’s will be notified by 10/26 of the status of their choreographer request, with a final decision delivered by 10/28.
  • A $100 costume deposit will be processed from your MYSDSD account 1-2 business days upon your signing up.
  • Balance costume payments will be due no later than 11/01.
  • By working with a choreographer it is understood that there is no guarantee that your choreographer will be able to attend every single competition performance of your small group.
  • Competition critiques can be viewed by scheduling rehearsal time with your choreographer and should be initiated by the dancer(s) if they choose this option. This would be scheduled as additional time beyond the required rehearsal hours.
SDSD Choreographers to Choose From:
  • Crew Solo payments are DUE IN FULL 1 week prior to rehearsal start date.
  • $650 for 7.5 hours for new choreography (Includes 7.5 hours and $50 media/admin fee)
  • $640 for 4 competitions ($160×4) – due 1/20/22
  • Costume payments (beyond deposit) will be due no later than 11/01/22

PLEASE NOTE: This sign up is for SDSD Crew graduating senior dancers only.

Please complete the form below:
Dancer's Name(Required)
Based on the above list provided, please input the name of your FIRST CHOICE CHOREOGRAPHER to choreograph your SDSD Crew senior competition solo.
Based on the above list provided, please input the name of your SECOND CHOICE CHOREOGRAPHER to choreograph your SDSD Crew senior competition solo.
Based on the above list provided, please input the name of your THIRD CHOICE CHOREOGRAPHER to choreograph your SDSD Crew senior competition solo.
Please select your SDSD Crew Senior Competition Solo GENRE.
Parent / Guardian Name(Required)